1. Use the part of this form entitled “Schedule of Transactions in ATI Securities” to supply all required details of your transaction(s) in and holdings of ATI common stock or FVAC common stock. Use the part of this form entitled “FVAC Common Stock Holdings on May 24, 2021 and June 11, 2021” to supply the required additional details about your holdings in FVAC common stock on May 24, 2021 and/or June 11, 2021.
2. On the schedules, provide all of the requested information with respect to all of your purchases and acquisitions and all of your sales of ATI Securities that took place at any time from February 22, 2021 through January 14, 2022, both dates inclusive, whether such transactions resulted in a profit or a loss. Failure to report all such transactions may result in the rejection of your claim. Also, list the number of shares of ATI Securities held at the opening of trading on February 22, 2021 and the close of trading on January 14, 2022. Lastly and if applicable, state the total number of FVAC common stock shares held as of May 24, 2021 that were exchanged for shares of ATI common stock on or about June 16, 2021, and the total number of FVAC common stock shares held as of June 11, 2021 that were not redeemed.
3. List each transaction in the Settlement Class Period (as defined in the Notice) separately and in chronological order, by trade date, beginning with the earliest. You must accurately provide the month, day and year of each transaction you list.
4. You are required to submit genuine and sufficient documentation for all of your transactions in and holdings of ATI Securities set forth in the Claim Form. Documentation may consist of copies of brokerage confirmation slips or monthly brokerage account statements, or an authorized statement from your broker containing the transactional and holding information found in a broker confirmation slip or account statement. The parties and the Claims Administrator do not independently have information about your investments in ATI Securities. IF SUCH DOCUMENTS ARE NOT IN YOUR POSSESSION, PLEASE OBTAIN COPIES OF THE DOCUMENTS OR EQUIVALENT DOCUMENTS FROM YOUR BROKER. FAILURE TO SUPPLY THIS DOCUMENTATION MAY RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR CLAIM.
Please keep a copy of all documents that you send to the Claims Administrator.
5. The above requests are designed to provide the minimum amount of information necessary to process the simplest claims. The Claims Administrator may request additional information as required to efficiently and reliably calculate your losses. In the event the Claims Administrator cannot perform the calculation accurately or at a reasonable cost to the Settlement Class with the information provided, the Claims Administrator may condition acceptance of the claim upon the production of additional information and/or the claimant’s responsibility for any increased costs due to the nature and/or scope of the claim.
6. If the Court approves the Settlement, payments to eligible Authorized Claimants pursuant to the Plan of Allocation (or such other plan of allocation as the Court approves) will be made after any appeals are resolved and after the completion of all claims processing. The claims process will take substantial time to complete fully and fairly. Please be patient.
PLEASE NOTE: As set forth in the Plan of Allocation, each Authorized Claimant shall receive his, her, or its
pro rata share of the Settlement Fund. If the prorated payment to any Authorized Claimant calculates to less than $10.00, it will not be included in the calculation and no distribution will be made to that Authorized Claimant.
8. If you have questions concerning the Claim Form, or need additional copies of the Claim Form or the Notice, you may contact the Claims Administrator, Strategic Claims Services, at the address above, by email at
info@strategicclaims.net, or by toll-free phone at (866) 274-4004, or you can visit the website,
www.strategicclaims.net/ati, where copies of the Claim Form and Notice are available for downloading.
9. NOTICE REGARDING INSTITUTIONAL FILERS: Certain filers submitting claims on behalf of other beneficial owners (“Representative Filers”) with large numbers of transactions may request, or may be requested, to submit information regarding their transactions in electronic files. (This is different than the online claim portal on the Settlement website.) All such Representative Filers MUST also submit a manually signed paper Claim Form whether or not they also submit electronic copies. Claims should be combined on a legal entity basis, where applicable. Sub-accounts should be rolled up into a parent account if the sub-accounts contain the same tax identification number. To obtain the
mandatory electronic filing requirements and file layout, you may visit the Claims Administrator’s website at
www.strategicclaims.net/institutional-filers or you may email the Claims Administrator’s electronic filing department at
Any file not in accordance with the required electronic filing format will be subject to rejection. Only one claim should be submitted for each separate legal entity (see 4. Under Claimant Identification above) and the
complete name of the beneficial owner(s) of the securities must be entered where called for (see 2. Under Claimant Identification above). No electronic files will be considered to have been submitted unless the Claims Administrator issues an email to that effect.
Do not assume that your file has been received until you receive this email. If you do not receive such an email within 10 days of your submission, you should contact the electronic filing department at efile@strategicclaims.net to inquire about your file and confirm it was received.
10. NOTICE REGARDING ONLINE FILING: Claimants who are not Representative Filers may submit their claims online using the electronic version of the Claim Form by clicking Next below and following all the instructions. If you are not acting as a Representative Filer, you do not need to contact the Claims Administrator prior to filing. You will receive an automated email confirming receipt once your Claim Form has been submitted. If you are unsure if you should submit your claim as a Representative Filer, please contact the Claims Administrator at
info@strategicclaims.net or (866) 274-4004. If you are not a Representative Filer, but your claim contains a large number of transactions, the Claims Administrator may request that you also submit an electronic spreadsheet showing your transactions to accompany your Claim Form.