Status The distribution has been sent.
Claims Filing Deadline August 25, 2022
Exclusion Deadline August 25, 2022
Objection/Notice to Appear Deadline August 25, 2022
Settlement Fairness Hearing December 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
Update as of September 21, 2022: The hearing on the motion for final approval of class action settlement is rescheduled for DECEMBER 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. and will be held over ZOOM before Judge Claire C. Cecchi, U.S.D.J. Members of the public may join via telephone using the following information: (646)828-7666 [Meeting ID: 160 471 8272 Passcode: 797581]. By joining the Zoom hearing you are consenting to Local Civil Rule 401.1, which prohibits broadcasting, photographing, recording or otherwise transmitting court proceedings.
File a Claim Online Online Claim Form
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