Email Unsubscribe

  • Request to Unsubscribe

    You are requesting to unsubscribe from future email communications regarding the case identified below. We are the administrator for this case and we were provided your information because you were identified as a class member or potential class member or your provided your information when you submitted a claim form. Your information will only be used to provide you communications regarding this case and not for any other purpose.

    Unsubscribing from emails regarding a case does not remove you from the class list and you may still receive communications via regular mail as required by the court. Unsubscribing from emails is not the same as opting out or excluding yourself from a case. Please refer to the information you received about the case for more information regarding that process.
  • Confirmation

    Please verify the information below is correct.

    Once you click the submit button, your email address will be removed from future email communications regarding the case identified below.