Status The distribution checks have been mailed.
Exclusion Deadline March 7, 2023
Objection Deadline March 7, 2023
Fairness Hearing April 3, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Important Documents
2023 01 09 Order on Plaintiff’s Rule 23 Motion for Certification of Class Action_ Appointment of Class Counsel_ and AppoiDownload
2023 01 09 Order on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement_ Appointment of Class Administrator_ and Approval of Class Notice PlanDownload
2022-11-28 Wright- Plaintiff’s Rule 23 Motion for Certification of Class Action Appointment of Class Counsel and Appointment of Class RepresentativesDownload
2022-11-28 Wright- Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement Appointment of Class Administrator and Approval of Class Notice PlanDownload
2022-04-01 Wright- Pltf’s Motion to Withdraw Previous Amendments to and Amending ALternative 3rd Claim for Relief and AlDownload
2022-04-01 Wright- Pltf’s Further Amendment to Complaint Amending a 3rd Alt Claim for Relief in Equity and Amending a 4tDownload
2022-03-29 Wright- Withdrawing Previous Alternative 3rd and 4th Claims for Relief Pltf’s Replead as Follows AlternativeDownload
2022-03-29 Wright- Pltf’s Motion to Withdraw Previous Amendments to and Amending Alternative 3rd Claim for Relief and AlDownload